Logan Tree Farm
Developing the modern Christmas tree for over 60 years
COVID-19 Preparedness
We are committed to keeping staff and customers safe by working hard to follow national and state COVID-19 guidelines. All staff are required to wear face masks or shields while working with the public. All customers are encouraged to practice social distancing while tree buying, respond to signage directing foot traffic, and wear a mask at all times.
Established In 1959
In 1959, our Grandpa Logan (Don Logan) went out to cut and sell a load of wild cut Douglas fir for Christmas trees. Since that year, we have found and selected improved seed stock for the Noble, Grand and Douglas fir used today. We are the only tree farm to grow the rare and beautiful Alpine fir, whose seeds and seedlings are very difficult to find. Along with 5 or so other pioneer Christmas Tree farmers, Logan Tree Farm has developed the modern Christmas Tree that is enjoyed today by so many.
Raleigh Hills at Albertson’s
5415 SW Beaverton Ct Hwy, Portland, OR 97221
Hours: M-Su 10a-6p
Dinihanian’s Farm Market
15005 NW Cornell Rd, Beaverton, OR 97006
Hours: M-Su 10a-6p